Natacha deVadas

Natacha the Vadas is the CEO of N.D.V. Advisers.

She has over 30 years experience in the field of language and cross-cultural training. She is an ethnic Indian, born in British controlled, multi-cultural Singapore, educated in the U.S., the United Kingdom, Sweden and France, she lived the cross cultural experience before it became a concept.

She has extensive experience in delivering a variety of courses ranging from business English courses in negotiation, English for Finance, Legal English, as well as consulting to companies and municipalities on business ideas in marketing and management and intercultural awareness.

Natacha is a certified TOEFL and TOEIC instructor an Cambridge University ESOL examiner for the entire upper suite off exams. She was awarded an MBA from the prestigious Ecole Superiore de Commerce et Management, Grand Ecole in France, as well as an Advanced Certificate in TESOL (Accreditat).